

what if Jesus walked into your church?

I know, everyone uses this scenario to scare the church. i heard these lyrics and thought they were so bitter~

"Cause my Jesus would never be accepted in my church The blood and dirt on His feet would stain the carpet But He reaches for the hurting and despised the proud I think He'd prefer Beale St. to the stained glass crowd "

The devotion for today (by the way, i love these devotions!) was opposite, "if Jesus walked into your church, Does He want to reach out and grab the hands that are raised in worship?" I was really encouraged by this, and the challenge she extended ~

"Take a few moments and close your eyes. In your mind, picture your church sanctuary and Jesus walking in and sitting down next to you before the service starts. Imagine Him saying, "Hello" and wrapping His arms around you. Just enjoy that feeling for a moment."

Jesus is in our church......enjoy the picture of the hurt, sick and lonely sitting with Jesus in our church!

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