

Rev 21:4

As I am sure most anyone who reads my blog knows, I had a miscarriage last week. We were completely blindsided by this, I know no one expects it. I don't want to bum anyone out but I also didn't want anyone to feel like they were kept out of "the loop" This has been the hardest week and holiday of our lives. Billy, my family and friends have been wonderful support and all the prayers are felt. A great friend George gave me a bit of perspective on this situation, while I may never know why this happened I can rest assured that my baby is in heaven and can never feel pain, grief or never walk away from Jesus. Also, I read Revelation 21:4 "And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away." That is where my baby is and some day I will be there too! Please keep us in your prayers, Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Sarah, you have been on my mind a lot. I have been thinking of all the ways I felt and hoping that you are doing better then I did. As things happen and as we get older I think the "Why's" can either get easier to understand or harder. The "why me?" has been one question I have struggled with for a long time, or even "why not me?" after watching friend after friend get pregnant and not understanding why I couldn't have that awesome blessing in my life. I could tell you all the things God showed me over the 4 years of wanting to know why but I believe God in His time must heal and will show you something amazing in your heart! I love you and don't forget I've been there, please if you need to talk call me. I waited for almost five years to see God's Why and I to tell you the truth I still don't understand why I had a miscarriage but I do know that when I let Him over time my heart changed.

Megan & Amanda said...

Amen to Rev 21:4! Count the blessings you DO have and pour into you husband , your girls and your family and friends around you... you are so loved and blessed! hang in there...dont question but rest in HIs peace that surpasses all understanding, dont try to figure it all out, just rest!

Phl 4:7 "and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

love ya